15 不择手段

15 不择手段

瑞克和雪莉·劳特:John Agar,“Family Files Lawsuit Against Bank,Say Newaygo Home Was Unfairly Foreclosed," Grand Rapids Press,  April 27,2010.Also see  Megan Stembol,  " Gowen Couple Files Lawsuit  Against Deutsche Bank," WOODTV.com,available at 4closurefraud. org/2010/04/26/ trashed-out-deutsche-bank-acts-like-paid-o ff-home-is-a- foreclosure-broke-down-doors-changed-locks-stole-belongings-along-with-the- home-owners-sense-of-security。

美国银行拿走了一位女士的宠物鹦鹉: Sadie Gurman,“Woman Says Bank of America Wrongly Repossessed Home," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 9, 2010。

有两位贷款方同时想要收回格莱兹和乔斯·鲁斯卡列达在迈阿密的共管公寓: Glazy Ruscalleda and Joe Ruscalleda v. HSBC, Third District Court of Appeals,Case No.3D09-99'7, opinion filedJune 9. 2010,available at www. scribd. com/doc/32852281/Glazy-Ruscalleda-and-Jose-Ruscalleda-Appellants-Vs-HSBC- Bank-USA- Etc-Appellee 。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址基思和朱莉·汉诺威: Nathan Halverson,"Bank Didn't Admit Error,”Santa Rosa Press-Democrat,July 18,2010.

死因源于住房即将被止赎所带来的压力:Alexander Sup-gul,“Police:Foreclosure Led to Murder-Suicide," MyFoxI-Iouston, May 17, 2010, text available at http:  //stopforeclosurefraud. com/2010/05/19/police-foreclosure-led-to-murder-suicide, video available at http://www.youtube. oom/watch?v=JVXMDKAHMZ0。

我没有任何信心相信它们是有效的:Lynn Szymoniak,“lVlass-Produced Affidavits Filed by Foreclosure Firms," Fvaud Digest, April 13,2010,available at http: //thjf. org/2013/01/14/mass-produced-affldavits-filed-by- foreclosure- firms。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址维权人士非常愤怒,当真正的罪犯逍遥法外时,政府的行政资源却被用来将老百姓赶出家门:“SWC Team Storms Keith Sadler’s Home in Predawn Raid," YouTube, posted by user mmflint, May 7, 2010, http://www. youtube. com/watch'!v=CfFaW2jINLo. Also see "Updated-Sadler Taken  from Foreclosed Home to Wood County Jail," WTOL News,Toledo,2010。

关于约翰·沃森的报告,他是劳德尔堡的一位止赎辩护律师:Michael  Redman,  " Foreclosure  Mill  Attorney  for  Marshall  Watson  or Foreclosure Defense Attorney for Homeowners?" 4closurefraud. org, April 14,2010。

《每日商业评论》报道了这个故事:Paola Iuspa-Abbott,“Homeowners Allege Attorney Conflict of Interest," Daily Bus2.flos Review, April 22, 2010。

《棕榈滩邮报》的作者金·米勒:Kimberly Miller,“Activists Heading to Tallahassee  to Oppose Non-Judicial Foreclosures,”Palm Beach Post, April 20, 2010. http: //www. palmbeachpost. com/money/real-estate/activists-heading-to-tallahassee-to-oppose-non-judicial-589917. html。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址迈克尔用一个引火烧身的卡通人物动图标注了这条评论: Michael Redman,  "Well Well Well…  Looks like Someone Is Upset-MERS Makes a Corrunent on 4closurefraud," 4closurefraud.  org, April 24, 2010。

迈克尔后来发现了一个前DocX员工的私人Facebook群组:Michael Redman,  "Well Well Well…  Looks like Someone Is Upset-MERS Makes a Comment on 4closurefraud," 4closurefraud.  org, April 24, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址迈克尔后来发现了一个前DocX员工的私人Facebook群组:Michael Redman, "DOCX  .. Just Might Want to Be Your Friend," 4closurefraud.org, April 12,2010。

传递什么样的信息?:James Hagerty,“Mortgage Bankers Association Sells Headquarters at a Big Loss," Wall Street Journal, February 6, 2010。

他在博客中把加菲尔德描绘成一个艾尔默·甘特里式的人物: Steve Dibert, "Debunking the Gospel of Garfield," Mortgage Fraud Investigations-Miami,April    7,  2010, https: //web.archive.org/web/20101204015419/http: //www.mfi-miarni.com/2010/04/debunking-the-gospel-o f-gar field.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址我不会反对《止赎村落》的运营者丽莎·爱泼斯坦: Steve Dibert,"Still No Word from the Garfield Gang About the Garfield Challenge,"Mortgage Fraud Investigations-Miami, April 24, 2010, http: //mfi-miami.com/2010/04/still-no-word- from-the- gar field-gang-to-the-gar field-challenge; Steve Dibert, "The Groupies of Brother Neil Garfield's Traveling Salvation Show Respond," Mortgage Fraud Investigations-Miami,  April 12,2010,http: //mfi-miami.com/201 0/04/the- groupies-o f-brother-neil-gar fields-traveling-salvation-show-respond 。

律所律师声称法官对他们怀有敌意: Polyana da Costa,“Ice Firm Claims Judge Treats Them with Hostility," Duily Business Review, July 7, 2010。

那天,迈克尔公布了萨瑟法官的财务记录: Michael Redman,"Ouch,  Thats Gotta Sting-Motion for Disqualification of PBC Judge Meenu Sasser for a  $ 425, 063.50 Conflict of Interest Involving Billions upon Billions in Assets," 4closurefraud.  org, June 13, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址尽管艾斯律所试图以萨瑟法官持有美国银行股票为由令她不能审理一起有关美国银行的案件:Motion for Disqualification of Judge Meenu Sasser, Bank of America v.  Paul and Lynn Lawless, Case No.  50-2009-CA-041333XXXX-MB, June 4,  2010, www. scribd,com/doc/32997412/Lawless-Motion- for-Disquali fication-o f-PBG-Judge-Meenu_ Sasser。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址在一些人尤其是斯蒂夫·迪伯特看来,这一指控毫无根据:Steve Dibert, "Florida Homeowners Are Losing the Fight but It's Not Because of the Banks," Mortgage Fraud Investigations-Miami,October 18,2010,https: //web.  archive.org/web/20101104134951/http: //www.mfl-miami.com/2010/10/florida-homeowners-are-losing-the-fight-but-its-not-because-of-the-banks。

她发起了周一暂缓运动:Lisa Epstein,“Moratorium MondaYs:Monday Morning Protests at Courts, Offices of Elected Officials, and Government Buildings Across the State and the Country," Fo'redosure Hamlet,2011。

存档于公共记录中的“抵押贷款的假转让协议”: Brief of Amicus Curiae Lisa Epstein, Pro Se, in Support of Neither Party, HSBC Bank v.Anabel Santiago, Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, Case No. 50-2008-CA-016305。

琳恩收集了几十个案例: Lynn Szymoniak,“Suddenly Appearing Endorsements Used by Bank-Trustees in Foreclosures," Housing Justice Foundation, June 27, 2014。

“本票持有人往往不了解本票的最新状态。”: Michael Redman,"Response to the Florida Supreme Court RE: Amendments to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Motion for Rehearing," 4closurefraud.org, May 13, 2010。

她与奈伊·拉瓦利联手,给夏皮罗·菲什曼律所写了一封长达六十六页的回复函:Lisa Epstein and Nye Lavalle, "Comments and Response in Opposition to Shapiro-Fishman, LLP's Motion for Rehearing or Clarification,"Supreme Court of Florida,Case No. SC09-1460, available at http: //api.ning.oom/files/ndc8DqfBQq6hENNk8laYm3Rmu8kuMuiez2S0-Z*tgo WUZYfhOfmLacMhWQcNvz4eGIGTLnRzCoHWUUJWYC4-1KIOEk94TpIK/NyeLisaFLASCEfile. pdf。

将“机器签署人”换成了“机器核查员”:Michael Reclman,“Florida Example-Verification of Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint," 4closurefraud.org, April 18,2010。

“主要是意识,还要实施处罚。”: Michael Rechan,“Palm Beach County Bar Association Professional Committee-Thank You for Listening!"4closurefraud.  org, May 19, 2010。

6月3日,州最高法院否决了:Supreme Court of Florida,“In re Amendments to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure," Case Nos. SC09-1460 '    and SC09-1579, June 3, 2010, www.  floridasupremecourt.  org/decisions/2010/sc09-14600rder. pdf。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址联邦检察官告诉查尼:Peter Coy.,Paul 13arrett,and Chad Terhune,“Joseph Lents Dodged Foreclosure for 8 Years, Startecl a Movement,"Bloomberg Business,October 21, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址被告隐瞒了从未将本票和转让协议递交给抵押贷款支持证券信托的事实:United States of America (Lynn Szymoniak, relator)v. American Home Mortgage Servicing et a1.,Second Amended Complaint,  filed May 13,2011,available at http: //2zn5qz3e2ex118kh0e3kfc7c.wpengine. netdnacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/201 3/0 8/complaint-symoniak- false-claimS.c. -Second-Amended-Complaint-ECF-3. pdf。

“基于上述原因,我认为此转让协议存在欺诈。”: Sample affidavit from U.  S. Bank National Association v.  Shirley McFarland, Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois (Municipal Department-First District), Case No.13 M1 708544, Affidavit of Lynn E. Szymoniak, Esq. as Defendant's Expert Witness in Opposition to Summary Judgment。

我不能让我的团队成员有所行动:Martin Andelman,“Some“Lynn Szymoniak's Millions May Belong to Someone Else," Mandelvnan Matters (blog), September 16, 2013. See also Figueroa v. Szymoniak, Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida, March 4, 2013,available at www.  scribd. com/doc/168544786/Figueroa-v-Szymoniak。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《棕榈滩邮报》的金·米勒对此进行了详细报道: Kimberly Miller,"Lawsuit Claims That Florida's Largest Foreclosure Firm Faked Documents,"Palm Beach Post, August 4, 2010。

博主们确信,这一发言今后将会让萨瑟法官惹上麻烦: Michael Redman, "1 Haven't Seen Any Widespread Prob, Oh, Wait, What?Foreclosure 'Robo-Signers' Appear to Be Widespread?" 4closurefraud. org,October 12,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址斯坦恩近期遭遇了一系列挫折,这一案件是最近的一起诉讼: Susan Martin, "Foreclosures Bring Wealth, Rebukes for Florida Lawyer," Tampa Bay Times, July 17,  2010.  Also Michael Redman,  "Florida I3ar v.  David J.Stem-Complaint, Consent Judgment, Report of Referee and Judgment,"4closurefraud.  org, July 19, 2010.

戴米安的新律师特伦特发布了一份香农·史密斯的质证记录:Deposition of Shannon Smith, Citimortgage v. Dennis Brown, Circuit Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District in and for Broward County, Florida, Case No. CACE 08-011097, available at www. scribd. corcVdoc/34340050/Full-Deposition-o f-David-J- Stern-s-Notary-Para-Legal- Shannon- Smith。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址另外一起集体诉讼指控斯坦恩拒绝停止:Hugo San Martin and Melissa San Martin V,  Law Offices of DavidJ.  Stem p.  A.,United States District Court for the Southern Distria of Florida,  entered on docket July 29,2010,  available at www.   rnotherjones.   oom/files/Port- Lt- Lucie- David-J -Stem    Consumer    Suit_July _ 2010.  pdf。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址他都能找到使公司盈利的方法:Stan Cooper and Neeraj Mehti v。DJSP Enterprises, United States District Court, Southern District of Florida,Fort Lauderdale Division, entered on docketJuly 20, 2010, available at www.scribd.com/doc/34646050/Stan-Cooper-and-Neeraj-Methi-v-DjsP Enterprises-Inc-David-j- Stern-and- Kumar-Gursahaney。

安迪·克罗在《琼斯夫人》上发表了一篇关于戴维·斯坦恩的报道: Andy Kroll, "Fannie and Freddie's Foreclosure Barons," Mother Jones,August 4, 2010。

案件最后以庭外和解告终:Bridgette Balboni v. Law o伍ces of David J-  Stem,P.A.,United States District Court,  Southern District of Florida,Case No. 99_6009_Civ-Ferguson/Snow, filed July 6, 1999, available at www. motherjones. com/files/Sexual_Harassment_Amended_Complaint. pdf。

借机宣布将对斯坦恩律所和另外两家房屋止赎厂(马歇尔·C·沃森律所和夏皮罗·菲什曼律所)展开新的调查:Andy Kroll,“Florida AG Unveils Foreclosure Mills Probe,”MotherJones, August 10, 2010. http://www.  motherjones.  com/mojo/2010/08/ florida-ag-probing-foreclosure-mills。

几周之后,麦科勒姆竞选失败:“Scott Shakes Up Florida Governor Race with GOP Primary Win over McCollum," FoxNews.  com, August 25,2010。

“原告不是提起诉讼的恰当主体。”:M&T Bank v.Lisa D.Smith,Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Court in and for St. Johns County,Florida, Case No. CA09-0418, available at http: //api. ning. com/filcs/mzeTxRs 3d7jOHRsuMJUH-2b9jXNa06kuX7m3hDkkSM3G3uhTEqHlZJea 1** aFugMSTbMXz*soAWvoyHIPBoF0 fLBiEwg* Px8O/SmithOrderdis missalwithprej2. pdf。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址我希望能见到符合基本标准的负责任的律师来处理此事: HSBC Bank v.  Orlando Eslava,  Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County,  Florida, Case No.  1-2008-CA-055313, transcript of hearing available at http:  //api.  ning.  com/files/WrhLWtvQuslFmfpxKAiu x051H8souSjcsF5L-Uvrz.uJltYTVkj L-ReheX3nB3HVOiZ*EFVMkA5B1hxxV hcCIIHs5NvdFN9C02C/JudgeBaileyOrderSanctionFDLG. pdf。

丽莎将这些法官姓名都记了下来: Lisa Epstein,“Half-Dozen Florida Judges' Rulings Reveal the Dawning of Understanding," Foreclosure Hamlet,June 20,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址我从未想过身陷止赎会如此值得,如此振奋人心:  Michael Redman,“Foreclosure Fraud-The Florida 7Bar Convention Strategic Defense Session,"4closurefraud.  org, June 27, 2010。